Hello everyone, Today in this post we are going to share with 7 Untapped Quality Traffic Sources For Marketing Website 2020. Google and Facebook aren’t the only traffic sources that you can leverage. Here are seven untapped opportunities.

You already know about Google and Facebook, but there must be other traffic sources that you can leverage. Check it out Top 7 Untapped Traffic opportunities.

7 Untapped Quality Traffic Sources For Marketing Website 2020

7 Untapped Quality Traffic Sources For Marketing Website 2018
7 Untapped Quality Traffic Sources For Marketing Website 2020

7. Facebook groups

The first strategy we have for you is to participate in Facebook groups. Similar to forums and similar to Quora, people have a lot of questions in these Facebook groups. Join them. You can do a search on Facebook for anything. It will show you, Groups. Let’s say we type in “marketing related terms,” and it will show me some groups. We’ll join some of these groups, and within there, we can participate and help people out.

If I have a blog post that’s relevant to some of the questions that people are asking, we can even link out to our blog post. By doing this, we are driving traffic from Facebook.
The beautiful part about Facebook groups, it doesn’t adhere to the same restrictions or the algorithm that let’s say, a Facebook fan page does.

With the Facebook group, if you leave a comment and it’s a good comment, everyone within the Group can see it, and you’ll generate more Traffic Sources For Marketing Website 2020.

6. StumbleUpon

The sixth strategy we have for you is StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon may not seem that popular because it is, and you can buy clicks for pennies on the dollar. You set in what industry you are going after, and you can purchase clicks from StumbleUpon for pennies on the dollar. You can get free traffic if you use a toolbar and you’re sharing content from around the internet as well.

5. Niche blogs

The next strategy that you should be using is looking for small blogs within your niche. There’s a lot of famous blogs like Forbes, Mashable, TechCrunch, etc., but there are more lots of small sites within your site, and the people who read these blogs are much more important to you and your industry. All you need to do is go to all these websites, look at their contents, leave comments.

Leave comments giving insights, and with most sites. When you drop a comment, it asked you for your name and URL.

People can click on your name and go back to your website. But make sure when you’re dropping comments, you’re not spamming. If you’re not adding value, don’t leave a comment.

4. LinkedIn

The next way is sharing your content on official website LinkedIn. Com. Whether you have new or old posts, don’t just click the LinkedIn share button.

You can write articles on LinkedIn and what you want to do is take your blog posts.
All you need to do is Write the first some paragraphs or more so copy and paste it right on to LinkedIn and after, let’s say, the 3rd or 4th paragraph.

You can put “Click to continue reading,” or your “main focus keyword” that users are searching for and if they want to read the rest, they’ll go over back to your website.

It is a straightforward way to generate traffic. We create an excess of 30,00 visitors a month purely from LinkedIn by just using this tactic.

3. Forums

The third way is Forums. Forums, everyone talks about how they are dead because of Facebook, but you know what? A lot of famous Forums still exist on the web. Go out there, participate in them, answer questions within your space.

For example, we are in the social media marketing niche; there are so many social media marketing forums such as Warrior Forum or Digital Point. When we go there, and we respond to questions, in our signature, we can leave a link back to our URL or our Homepage. It is an excellent way to drive more traffic.

2. Subreddits

The next way you can get more traffic is through Reddit. Reddit has subreddits literally on every single topic, whether it is pets, marketing, space, etc.

There is a section on Reddit pretty much for every industry out there. What you want to do is participate in the community on Reddit. Don’t submit your content, upvote content that you want.

Downvote content that you avoid. Submit other people’s content from about the web. It is a great way to create more traffic.

1. Quora

The last but not least you can get traffic is by Quora. All you need to go to the website of Quora or search on google about your related topic question using quora tag and respond to all of the problems people are asking within your space.

For us, we may go to Quora type in social marketing, and we will look up all the questions people are asking social marking. Yoy know what?

We will respond to them. As we respond to them, if there’s a right place for us to put in a link to our website, we will do that. We generate over 10,000 views a month.

Because we are continually answering more and more Quora questions within our space.
It is a good source of traffic.

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