According to certain studies, running a blog is a great way for students to foster their creativity and develop their writing skills, as well as share their passions and ideas with others online. That said, it’s not quite as easy to do as most people think: coming up with new things to write blog posts about can be pretty taxing, and somewhat challenging.

Blogging Ideas for College Students

Blogging Ideas for College StudentsAnd of course, this doesn’t even get into the fact that student-specific blogs are usually set up by teachers for the class, which means a student can’t blog about just anything: the topics they write about often have to be tied to the class or education overall somehow, making it even harder to come up with good ideas. But there are some neat ideas you can fall back on as a student.

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Homework or Assignment Discussion

We’re fully aware that this sounds pretty boring, but the main point of blogs in a student environment is a collaboration between those students. Now, considering that professors are often keeping an eye on these blogs, it’s not like students could just outright share answers or cheat off of one another, but most professors would be perfectly fine with collaborative blog posts where students help each other out in order to grow.

Continuation of In-Class Conversations

Oftentimes, students can get into pretty animated discussions within the classroom, particularly when the topic of conversation is interesting. But of course, the amount of time that conversation can last is limited by how long the class itself is, so when the bell rings, a conversation could be cut short. However, a class blog is a great place for students to continue such a conversation, be it with other students or the professor themselves.

So, if you’re looking for something to write about on a class blog, this is a fairly good option if the opportunity arises.

Asking Specific Questions of the Professor

Academic writing expert Charles Ross from Affordable Papers once said that “inquiry is the cornerstone of all learning.” If you don’t ask questions or don’t even have the desire for questions to be answered, you won’t be learning very much.

Of course, some students are a little uncomfortable asking questions of the professor in person. Maybe they are just a little shy, or perhaps they couldn’t find a good time to speak up. Either way, a class blog is a great way for students to pose questions they were unable or unwilling to do during physical class. And of course, other students may be able to answer your questions as well, so such blog posts foster greater interaction between students in the class as well.

Resource Sharing

Some studies show that one of the best advantages to student blogging is the ability for students to share resources with one another. This is kind of in the same vein as collaboration on homework or projects, but it’s technically a different topic you could blog about. Whatever subject your class is in, there are lots of resources out there that can help with them, but not everyone knows about those resources.

A class blog is a great place to share one’s knowledge on valuable resources that will help students learn and grow in the field in question. A brief post it may be, but it’s something you could blog about nevertheless.’

Class Specific Content

Naturally, the type of things you can write about on a class blog is also highly dependent on what the subject of that class is. For instance, you may be able to do lab write-ups or field guides for a science class, or language labs in a foreign language class. If you are in a music class, you may be able to create a playlist on that blog or something similar. An art class could allow students to post their work or portfolios, for example.

It may sound a little direct, but one of the things you can do is simply ask your professor what kind of content they are or aren’t willing to allow on the class blog. It’s the best way to know what you can and can’t do, and it clears up any confusion as simply as possible. That way, you don’t have to just guess about what’s allowed.

Weekly Reflection

Reflecting on what you’ve learned is a great way to solidify a knowledge base that has been recently gained. Weekly reflection posts are a great way for students to put meaningful content on a class blog that both they and their fellow students may be able to benefit from. It often pays to go back over what has been learned, and if you can’t think of any other idea for a student blog, this is as good as any.

Current Events

If it is appropriate for the type of class you are participating in, a student may be able to write posts about current world events on the class blog. Granted, this probably won’t be an option if the class in question is a mathematics or science class, but for social studies or something similar, it could probably be a valid option. This is something you’d have to run by your professor.

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It can be pretty difficult to come up with blog ideas for a class blog. However, there are many things you can do, with most ideas being relevant to the class that a student is in. That said, the easiest way to come up with interesting ideas is to simply ask your professor what type of content they would like to see, or what type of info they are willing to allow.

Failing that, you can always look at the types of posts your fellow students are making and emulate those topics. After all, if the topics and ideas they are writing about are acceptable, then you can hardly go wrong on that front, at least as far as writing appropriate topics for your class blog is concerned.

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