Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks | CBSE 10th Marks Card

Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks: The [CBSE] Central Board of secondary education is build up by the central government to console education system till school level nationally. CBSE is one of the most awarded Delhi board and their all tasks have been done on time. Board has also some words to get leading records on examination performing students and their results year by year. This institution gives affiliation certificate to various government and private schools all over India. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) may announce the result of CBSE class 10th 2018 in the month of May 2018.

How do I find the total marks I obtained in the class 10 CBSE CGPA system?

Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks

The CBSE class results will be announced by the Central board of secondary education through the online at CBSE The Examination authority (CBSE) will announce the results usually in the month of may every year timely.last year the result(CBSE 10th result 2017) was published on 27 May 2017.So students may expect this time also when compared to the previous years of CBSE Class 10th  Result.Over 13 lakh students appeared for CBSE class 10th exams regional wise.Now the students waiting for their CBSE 10th result 2018 from all regions.Candidates may check their results from below link after activated. Candidates can also Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks Card.

CBSE Class 10th Result Marks Card 2018

The central board of Secondary Education (CBSE, New Delhi) is an official board of education under the union government of India.This board is responsible to conducts various examination for all the candidates who are pursuing in schools affiliated to under CBSE.The board was established on 3 November 1962 located at New Delhi.The board is responsible to conducts the annual examinations of Class 10th and 12th in all regions within the country.The CBSE holds the complete authority to declare the CBSE 10th Result for all affiliated schools.Laks of students is enrolled every year for CBSE Class 10th standard. CBSE also conducts many universities entrance examinations like JEE Mains, NEET etc.

When will be released the CBSE 10th Result 2018?

As per the latest information that we have received, the CBSE Class 10th results are expected to be released in May 2018.This is just an expected date that we have taken from the officials.We will update the exact date and time of Results.last year the result(CBSE 10th result 2017) was published on 27 May 2106. As soon as the Result released by the examination board, We will update the information regarding CBSE 10th class Result such as name wise results, pass percentage, number of candidates have appeared, Boys and girls pass percentage, toppers in CBSE 10th class exams 2018 and other useful information as well.

Pass Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Results [Previous Year]

YearOverall Pass %Boys %Girls%No.of Candidates 

CGPA Grading system for CBSE 10th Result

GradeMarks rangeCGPA –Points
A-191 to 10010
A-281 to 909
B-171 to 808
B-261 to 707
C-151 to 606
C-241 to 505
D33 to 404
E-121 to 32None
E-200 to 20None

How to Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks?

Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks

Cumulative Grade Points Average (CGPA) is the aggregate of grade points earned in all the subjects excluding the additional subjects calculated by adding your grade points in the main five subjects by dividing number 5.CGPA can be converted into a percentage by multiplying 9.5.

Though your CGPA is written on the report card, it is easy to calculate it on your own. Here’s how you can do it.

Add your grade points in the main five subjects, and then divide it by 5.

For example, if your grade points for the five main subjects are:

Subject 1: 8; Subject 2: 9; Subject 3: 7; Subject 4: 9; and Subject 5: 9

Step 1: Add the grade points: 8+9+7+9+9 = 42

Step 2: Divide it by 5

42/5 = 8.5

So, your CGPA is 8.5.

It is now important to understand your result in terms of percentage to evaluate your performance.

Calculating percentage from your CGPA

In order to convert your overall CGPA into percentage, multiply it by 9.5.

For example,

In this case 8.5 (CGPA) is multiplied by 9.5, so 8.5 x 9.5 = 80.75%

You should know that though both your Class 9 and Class 10 grades are displayed on your report card, only Class 10 grades are used to calculate your CGPA.

How to Check CBSE Class 10th Result 2018 Online

Candidates can check their result through the official website and other similar websites also by entering the candidate roll number and date of birth.

  1. Go to CBSE website i.e
  1. Navigate cbse 10th result link click on it.
  1. Then enter the candidate roll no. & date of birth
  1. The result will be displayed and take printout for future reference.

Check Here For: Result

How to Calculate Percentage of CBSE 10th Class Marks, Calculate CBSE 10th Marks Card, Percentage of CBSE 10th Class online, CBSE 10th Class Result 2018, CBSE 10th Result 2018, CBSE 10th Results, CBSE Exam 12th Results 2018

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