Call of Duty Warzone Guide: Call of Duty is one of the most popular and ever-changing games, which has brought more thrill and adventure into the gaming world. The vivid maps, the graphics, the sound effects, and the game-plot, everything is carefully crafted. Recently, COD has achieved new levels of success with its Warzone map, and the challenges are now more complicated and thrilling. Many new features are added to this version to make battles more interesting and lively.

Call of Duty: Warzone Guide With Tips and Tricks to Win the War

Call of Duty: Warzone Guide With Tips and Tricks to Win the WarWinning the Warzone battles is not easy. Even for pro-players, conquering Warzone is quite difficult. To help you out, here some of the best tips and hacks are given. This guide will help new and seasoned players to win all battles.

Call of Duty Warzone Tips To Help

Tips and Tricks

  1. Play with teams

In Call of Duty, you can play with two other players as a team. Though the game allows you to play alone and test your skills, fighting with a team is always a better choice. If you are playing the game as a solo player, you have to fight your battles against strong teams.

A team of three will always have more resources than a single player, and they can help each other, share resources, and revive any weak player. So, even if you do not have any friends there, choosing two strangers as your teammate will be better than going alone. Thus, you have a better chance of surviving the fights. Moreover, playing with a team is always more thrilling and fun than solo playing.

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  1. Do not play defensive

Call of Duty is a brutal game of survival. You can never win this game by playing defensively. Indeed, hiding under a cover during battles may help you live longer, but you will miss all precious loots and resources. So, you must show your aggression from the beginning and collect as much loot and money as possible before you go hiding.

Another disadvantage of playing defensive is that none can save you from a quick death if anyone discovers you by any chance. So, do not be scared to face your enemies and gather game points.

  1. Adjust the settings

You can customize the setting of your game according to your needs. A simple change can help you significantly to fight a battle. Thus, you can make a difference in your game playing by adjusting the settings properly. You can set the sensitivity of your controller to five and the sensitivity of ADS around .80, and it will help you to shoot more precisely. One can also use the auto-aim feature. If you are not very comfortable with the existing settings, you can experiment and try different options.

Another aspect of the setting of COD is the sound system. Make it perfectly attuned with your existing setup to have the best experience. When you set your sound system properly, you can hear the footsteps of your enemies, which help you plan the attack. This is considered one of the best warzone hacks that everyone can use.

  1. Collect Ammo caches

Munitions boxes play an important role in this game. They work as a portable ammo station, and you can throw them down to help your teammates. Thus, you can collect refills and supplies. So, if you have discovered a place for holding up, you can use these boxes.

You can also get ammo caches from police stations. If you can get one of these in the beginning of your battle, you will not run out of ammo quickly like other players.

  1. Get contacts

Finding contracts is the easiest way to collect some cash in this game. These contacts will assign you some small missions, and they can ask you to kill a specific player, capture a specific zone, or open a specific loot crate.

Completing all these challenges is quite easy, and the rewards are very good. Even if you die completing these challenges, you still get the bounty. Apart from good cash, you will also get rare items in the loots.

  1. Stock up armor

In the game, you can only stock three armors at one time, but you can also keep five more in your inventory. One can use these extra armors when their existing ones get lost in the battle. COD battles can be pretty brutal. So, having extra armors is essential if you want to live longer. You can find good armors on the map or buy them from a station. So, stay fully armored to give your enemies a good fight.


These are some great tips you can use to improve your game. To play such a complicated game like COD, everyone needs a guide. These points in mind can help you easily win wars and master the game. So, keep playing and enjoy!

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