How to Delete Sent Messages in WhatsApp? The world’s most popular messaging app Whatsapp finally added the ‘Delete For Everyone’ Feature. That means now, users can simply remove or delete sent messages using this one of the most anticipated features. This Feature helps you when you send a message to the wrong person or group. The new feature provides users to “delete messages for everyone” in a personal chat or group within 7 minutes of sending. This facility is available for Android, iOS, and Windows. Here’s how you can remove messages sent to friends and family.
So, now you will be able to delete messages that they have either sent to a group or an individual chat by mistake or else. Messages that have been successfully deleted in a chat will be replaced by “this message was deleted”. “Similarly, if you see ‘This message was deleted’ in a chat, it means that the sender deleted their message for everyone.” Here is the step by step guide to Delete Sent Messages in WhatsApp? Remove Wrongly Sent Messages and to delete WhatsApp messages you’ve sent or received on your phone?
How to Delete Sent Messages in WhatsApp?
How to Delete Sent Messages in WhatsApp? Remove Wrongly Sent Messages [Follow Step by Step Process]
- Open WhatsApp and go to the chat including the message you wish to delete.
- Tap and hold the message > choose Delete from the menu. Optionally, select more messages to delete multiple messages at once.
- Tap Delete > Delete for Everyone. That’s it.
Remember: WhatsApp users are only able to delete messages within 7 minutes of sending it. “Once seven minutes have passed, there is no way to delete messages for everyone.”
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How to delete WhatsApp messages you’ve sent or received on your phone? [Follow Step by Step Process]
- Open WhatsApp and go to the chat receiving the message you wish to delete.
- Tap and hold the message > choose Delete from the menu. You can also choose more messages to delete multiple messages at once.
- Tap Delete > Delete for Me. That’s it.
Important Notes:
To use the new WhatsApp “delete sent messages” feature, you have to make sure both you and the receiver have the latest version of WhatsApp. Whats app said that If you or your recipient does not have the latest version, this feature will not work.
WhatsApp also warned that the feature is not a guaranteed way to make sure your friends do not see the offending message. They said If your recipients may see your message before it’s deleted or if the deletion was not successful. And if your attempts to delete a WhatsApp message to everyone was not successful, you will not get a notification.
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