Do You Want to Make a Career as an Android Developer? What is required to become an Android Developer? Here is the Complete Guide on How to Make a Career as an Android Developer. There has never been a better time to develop apps for the Android operating system. The vast majority of smartphones today run on Google’s open-source OS. In fact, according to Statista, nearly two out of every three mobile devices now run Android.

With the popularity of mobile application development, more developers are looking to enter the field. This means there is a greater demand for quality programmers to fill positions inside and outside companies. To become an Android Developer, you’ll need around four years’ experience building apps. In addition, you should also develop at least two apps before starting professionally.

What is required to become an Android Developer? 

How to Make a Career as an Android Developer

Start from basics and gradually move towards advanced ones 

There are several technologies involved in developing an application. These include Java programming language, SQL database, XML, HTML5, CSS3, etc. To gain mastery over them, you should start from basic concepts and slowly move towards advanced ones. Becoming an expert at any technical skill requires time and effort. This is true even for android development. The sooner you start learning, the better off you’ll be.

Hone your skills in Java Programming Language 

The majority of Android apps are developed in Java. For Android app development, a good grasp of Java is required [Check this tutorial about how to code in Java] Android uses the object-oriented programming model of Java. Object-oriented programming breaks down a program into sections that resemble “real-world” objects. In an Android game console, the player avatar and the opponent fighter, for example, would be objects.

Practice makes the man perfect

The best way to learn how to code is by doing. This means practicing what you’ve learned as much as possible. You can do this by creating little programs or projects. If you’re starting, you might find it helpful to use an online tutorial. These tutorials will walk you through each programming step, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost along the way.

Also Read: 5 Best Software to Run Android Apps on PC or Mac

Build a few soft skills 

Yes, technical abilities are necessary for a technical position like Android Developer. On the other hand, soft talents highlight your interpersonal abilities, which many prospective employers and recruiters are emphasizing more often these days. Such skills include:

  • Team Work.
  • Excellent Communication.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Analytical Skills.
  • Creativity.

The Bottom Line 

It’s essential to start learning from scratch. To achieve success in this field, you need to focus on several key areas like Android software design and development tools (IDE). The good news is that once you’ve learned enough basics, you’ll have the foundation and can start looking for a job. It is not difficult to start your career as an Android Developer because there are many vacancies in that field. For example, you’ll find many available vacancies for Junior Android Developers on Jooble. After landing that job as a Junior Android Developer, you can gradually climb the career ladder and become a senior one.

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