Hello! Everyone. Today in this article I am going to tell you How to Use Blog Commenting to Get High PR Backlinks and Traffic properly. And I will also provide you a big list of blog commenting sites. As, Blog commenting is the easiest way to get backlinks, that is why I always recommend newcomers to prefer this method to get links back to their sites. This method is a very old and easiest way to Get High PR Backlinks and Traffic back to your site.
How to Use Blog Commenting to Get High PR Backlinks and Traffic

Before I tell you how to get backlinks by commenting on other blogs and website. You have to check which one is the right blog to comment on. Let me wrap that in short. The blog should have these characteristics. Keep this check-list in mind whenever you are on a do Blog Commenting to Get High PR Backlinks and Traffic.
- The comment blog Should be active, reputed one and authority blog.
2. Those sites should have a good PR [Page Rank].
3. If accepts Do-follow Backlinks than Excellent! But allows only No-follow, it’s still holds value.
4. The site should be Keyword Commentluv Enabled.
5. Recent Comments widget.
Now, The Question is How to Find Such Dofollow CommentLuv websites.
Here’s how to do that. Simply search on google using some of these phrases to find the best out of the web.
“high PR blogs to comment on.”
“high PR do-follow for blog commenting.”
“high PR blogs using CommentLuv/KeywordLuv plugin”.
You will get lot of search results choose them by keeping in mind the above 5 check list.
DropMyLink: According to our research DropMyLink is the best blog commenting web service, for people like you & me, who needs to build targeted backlinks in minimal time. By using this service any users can very easily get the right website to comment on. Go and try it for once.
SEO Quake – SEO quake is an another option that helps users how well the blog is doing in searches and more. However, this extension or tool is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera.
How to Use Blog Commenting to Get High PR Backlinks and Traffic

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Take a look at the above picture, there you have to do commenting. Some important points one must keep in mind while commenting.
In the name section do not use your keywords, always comment with different [Alia, Suman, Prakash etc] names on different websites. In this way, Google will not catch and never penalize you.
Always keep in mind not to use same Mail Id while commenting on different blogs. create a separate Email ID and use those Email ID’s only for commenting because some website owners sitting to sell you users Email Id’s and these spam you.
And finally, in the comment description, write something appealing, try to avoid or don’t write Thanks or Keep it up, Well done or something else like this. First, read the post and then write something relating to the article.
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If you follow my these guidelines than there will be chances of more than 90% approving your comments by the admin. Hopefully, you will find this article about “How to Use Blog Commenting to Get High PR Backlinks and Traffic” very useful and if you want to ask something, then feel free to comment below ask it by commenting I will try to answer as early as possible. Best of Luck !!