A document without a fine presentation is like an expensive gift without a good package. This strategy applies to how we dress up, how we send our documents, etc. The bottom line is our presentation matters and reflects a lot upon the perception that the recipient has. 

We focus on our document layout, summary, a glossary of items, etc. to make our document look well structured. Speaking of documents and modes of communication, faxes continue to be the most preferred way of business to business communication.

100+ Printable Fax Cover Sheet Templates You Can’t-Miss

Printable Fax Cover Sheet Templates You Can't Miss

It is a very legitimate alternative for standard and dilatory postal procedures.  So, faxes hold an importance in the parlance of business communication and that is an undeniable truth. When a document is important, its structuration is important as well. 

Also Check: How to Send a Fax Online? (From PC, Mobile or Email)

This is where a fax cover letter comes into play. When sending a fax, if you directly send a fax without a short snippet of what it is about, it is likely to be misconstrued! Therefore, it is immensely advisable to make your fax communication look attractive and professional. 

Fax Cover Sheets 

Fax cover sheets are the sheets that are placed as an initial cover page right before the actual fax document. It comprises any and all of the peculiar and important information about the fax. Log in to CocoFax to see some of the most well-structured cover sheets. 

One might wonder what are the most important details about a fax machine sent over? It is relevant because it specifies whom the fax belongs to and whom it is sent by. Therefore, the cover sheet is the envelope like coverage of the fax and a standard cover sheet comprises of the following:

The sender information

The recipient information

Date of the fax

The subject of the fax document

Other substantial details relevant to the fax

Contents of a fax cover sheet- Elaborated

The contents of the fax sheet may vary and can be inclusive of other relevant information as well (in addition to the above-mentioned details). Therefore, below are some specifics that make a fax cover sheet more attractive and professional:

1)      Letterhead

Letterhead is the official header and footer of the company. It consists of all the vital details of the sender company. Having a letterhead as a part of the cover sheet makes the fax look very professional.

In addition to the company name and relevant information, the tax ID, address, logo, etc. can also form part of the letterhead. Ideally, the letterhead also comprises of the email and landline communication details of the company

2)      Sender and Recipient Information

The information of the sender and recipient is very vital in the context of the fax. Businesses and organizations opt for fax communication in consideration of the safety of its conduct. Therefore, stating the recipient makes it sure that the fax document lands in the hands of the right recipient.

Anyone having access to the fax machine can have the opportunity of receiving it. Therefore, stating the sender and the recipient is like enveloping the message and once read about the recipient, no one can read any detail intentionally.

This lessens the ambiguity about whom the fax is actually meant for and gives clarity. Even if the fax is accidentally received by an unintended user, it can be further handed over to the rightful recipient.

3)      Call to Action

This portion of fax cover sheet specifically pertains to the methodology that needs to be adopted by the recipient once the fax is so received.  It provides clarity on what action is the recipient expected to take on the fax. Is he supposed to comment or confirm on the fax!

The lack of call to action can cause unnecessary delays in the rightful flow of work. It is therefore essential to let the recipient know about what is expected from them.

4)      Subject

When the fax has a subject, it offers clarity to the message. It is a crisp snapshot of what the fax is all about. Words like Urgent, kind attention, etc can be used to attract immediate attention towards the message with a sense of urgency.

5)      Comments

This is a supplementary section. Any information that does not fit anywhere in the above-mentioned list can be placed here. This section is vague and can include things, matters, recommendations that are not inserted anywhere else. 

Importance of a fax cover sheet


A well-structured fax cover sheet makes the message look professional. With the company, sender and receiver information, it is reflected that the message has come from a sender with a sound operational base.

Protection of the Core message

The actual fax stays protected from any unwanted viewing from an unintended person. The message stays protected as there are no immediate glances. Even if someone else accidentally receives the fax, they will only view the cover sheet page with the recipient’s name stated.

Cocofax Provides 100+ fax cover sheets

When it comes to professionalism, different and nicely structured fax cover sheets can definitely leave an immensely professional impression. This is where CocoFax comes forward to the rescue with its superb cover sheet options.

As an online faxing service, CocoFax has over 100+ fax cover sheets to choose for. The list is long and the cover sheets are very beautifully drafted. They add professionalism and break the monotony of using the same structure all the time. 


When you log in to CocoFax and see the 100+ fax cover sheet templates, you would be surprised at the variety available for use. With the immense variety, you can choose the best cover sheet and keep changing the same to make your faxes seem appealing every single time.

No one likes haphazard receipt of information. Especially when speaking of professional conduct, unstructured messages are looked down upon. This is why a nice fax cover sheet can create a long-lasting impression on your business and your operations. And you will have a great variety of CocoFax. 

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