Root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using Pc

Hello Everyone, Are you Samsung Galaxy J3 user? Searching for How to Root Samsung Galaxy J3 Without using Computer? if yes then we must say you are at right post. Because Today I am going to share with the Guide on How to root Samsung J3 without Pc.

There are primarily two alternatives to the Samsung Galaxy J3 series. First, one is the Samsung Galaxy J3 2015 and another second one is Galaxy J3 2016 latest version. We must say both the smartphones come with almost equal specifications. There are many benefits of rooting the phone like after rooting the smartphone you can Update Samsung Galaxy J3 to Android Nougat 7.0 by installing from, you can change looks of your j3 the way you want it to be and many more. So let us start the complete guide on How to Enable root Access on Samsung Galaxy J3.

Root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using Pc
Root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using Pc

How to Root Samsung J3 Easily

As mentioned already that to root Samsung j3 by this trick you will not require a pc, But,  there are still, some requirements and points you have to follow before rooting the Samsung j3.

Also Read: How to Remove Stock Apps from Android Without Root

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Recruitments to Root Galaxy Samsung J3 Without PC

It is recommended all viewers to follow each and every step carefully.

  1. Samsung Galaxy j3 2015 or Galaxy j3 2016 [Only]
  2. TWRP Recovery is required to flash the J3 rooting package.
  3. Minimum 65% of battery is required to root the phone.
  4. Download Galaxy J3 rooting Zip Package.
Root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using Pc
Root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using Pc

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Complete Steps to Root Galaxy J3

Step 1. First of all Boot your galaxy J3 in recovery mode. To boot in recovery first of all Turn off the smartphone.

Step 2. Now Press Power + Home + Volume Up button together at the same time. Remember: Don’t release the keys until you see Samsung logo on your phone screen.

Step 3. Now You will enter into recovery mode. Select Wipe cache option.

Step 4. After wiping the cache tap on Install Button.

Step 5. Next, Choose the rooting package.

Step 6. After that, Tap on YES and confirm the installation.

Step 7. After flashing tap on Reboot.

That’s all !! Enjoy@ You have successfully Root Samsung Galaxy j3 2015, 2016 easily.

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Hope you like this post about Root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using Computer. So this was our guide on How to root Samsung Galaxy J3 without using pc. Please share this post with your friends and more new latest updates please subscribe this site by clicking on the bell icon.

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