New Google Trick

  Set timer for 13 minutes and 13 seconds

  Set timer for 13 minutes and 13 seconds

Wow…, its amazing, more useful to everyone, attractive too.

This online timer so popular with every user. In a very simple way, you will able to do it and feel the google trick-like a magic. Just go to your web browser, then type – Set timer for 13 minutes and 13 seconds after that you will see the difference.. It acts as an Online  Stop Watch.

Like this  set timer to 13 minutes and 13 seconds, you can set your timer as you want.  E.g –  set timer to 12 minutes and 12 seconds (“set timer to x minutes and x seconds”- you can replace ‘x’ with any number), customize it with your own choices.

Get Set, Go..      Go for it !!

Thank you…

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