Starting A CSC Eligibility and Requirements [Common Service Center]: Hello! Everyone. Do you know what are the Eligibility & Requirements before starting a Common Service Center [CSC]? If not then this article is for you where you can get proper information about required Eligibility & Requirements before starting a CSC in your area. You can also get important information regarding CSC (Common Service Centers) on our website.

Starting A CSC Eligibility and Requirements [Common Service Center]

Starting A CSC Eligibility and Requirements
Starting A CSC Eligibility and Requirements

So, If you want to Start a Common Service Center in your area, you must have Eligibility to requirements in CSC Scheme. If you are qualified, you need to have the needed support also, Such as,

1.  Eligibility,

2.  Educational Qualification,

3.  Age Limit and Required Infrastructure is available on this page.

Eligibility & Requirements for Participation in CSC

1.   Eligibility to Join in CSC Scheme:

The enthusiastic person should be a local person.

2.   Educational Qualification:

The person should preferably have passed the Matriculation Level Examination or equivalent from recognized board.

3.  Age Limitation:

Applicant must have attained the age of 18 years.

4.  Other Requirements:

  • Applicant should have volubility in reading and write the local language.
  • The Applicant Should have the basic knowledge of both English Language and Computer Skills.

Infrastructure Needed for Starting a CSC Center [Required]

If you want to Start a Common Service Center in your local area, you must have required Infrastructure as per CSC Scheme. If you are available, you need to have the required infrastructure given below.

CSC Scheme has been expressed by the Government to provide E-Services to citizens by establishing a common center under the Digital India Programme. The Government envisages on establishing the 1,00,000 (One Lakh) CSCs across the India. The eligible person can start Common Service Center by approaching the Service Center Agency of that respective area.

Required CSC [Common Service Center] Infrastructure

Starting A CSC Eligibility and Requirements
Starting A CSC Eligibility and Requirements
  1. Place: Room having the place of 100-150 Square Foot.
  2. Computer & UPS: Two Computers with 5 hours battery back-up UPS or the portable generator set.
  3. OS: All Computers should have licensed Operating System [Windows XP-SP2, or above Updated OS].
  4. RAM: Computer RAM Should the minimum storage capacity of 512 MB.
  5. Hard Disk: Computer Hard Disc Drive should be at least 120 GB.
  6. CD/DVD: CPU Should be configurated with CD/DVD Drive. [Best: LG DVD Drive]
  7. Camera: Must-Have Digital Camera/ Web Cam
  8. Connectivity: Wired/ Wireless/V-SAT internet Connectivity
  9. Printer: Must have at least Two Printers. [Inkjet+ Dot Matrix]
  10. Scanner: Must have Biometric/IRIS Authentication Scanner for Banking Services.
How Much Money Will Need Per CSC?

Total Estimated Cost per CSC may be between 1.25 to 1.50 Lakh (Except Land & Building)

Apply Online for CSC Center

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