Hello Everyone. Today in this article I am going to share a very interesting topic about what actually happens we you eat milk and pineapple together? Pineapple fruit is very delicate. There are vitamin A and C in it. There are also calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. And we consider milk as delicate food. But if people eat pineapple and milk together, then, that people die by poisoning-there are common that type of concept. Many times, the elders forbid youngers not to eat food together. But really, does happen this? Let’s know What happens if you eat milk and pineapple together.

Do you know what happens if you eat milk and pineapple together?

What happens if you eat milk and pineapple together
What happens if you eat milk and pineapple together

Dr. A B M Abdullah, who is a Dean, Professor of medicine department of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, said if someone eats pineapple and milk together then that people die by the poisoning-this concept is wrong. These are one type of food taboo or food superstition.”

Professor Abdullah explains this matter, pineapple is an acidic and sour type fruit. If you give a sour type of thing in milk than milk can be made curd. It can happen in case of orange and milk or lemon and milk. If bursting milk is drunk, then indigestion, flatulence, stomach upset- these kinds of the problem may happen, but there is no fear of poisoning. Those who have the problem of gastric, if they eat pineapple on an empty stomach then this problem can be increased.

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What happens if you eat milk and pineapple together

We discuss one same thing with the register of Holly Medical College and Medicine Department, who is a Dr. Shah Monem. He said, “He never sees that any people have died by eating pineapple and milk together. This is a superstition. Many times, we eat pineapple-milk together in the desert, custard or smoothie. There no problem happens if these are eaten.”

The main Nutritionist of Apollo Hospital Tamanna Choudhury said, “Pineapple is an acidic food. And milk is alkaline or basic salt. If milk is not pasteurized, then the combination of pineapple and raw milk may react with the body. There is the possibility of being the health problem if milk and pineapple are not mixed rightly. In case of this same matter can be happening at the time of others food.”

Tamanna Choudhury adds more, we don’t get apple custard, desert, and pineapple smoothie, pineapple milkshake, pineapple salad, pineapple yogurt etc. Several times. There is no problem with it. Because there is the right combination of food in it and it is made in right rule. And you ate one glass milk, and then you ate pineapple, then foods can’t be mixed properly. In case of this, as a result of not mixing correctly, the problems can happen like loose motion, indigestion, and acidity. Anyway, there is no risk of poisoning death.

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But Dr. A B M Abdullah warns, it is good to eat with the gap of eating pineapple and milk. These can be eaten within the gap of 2-3 hours. Or many times, going to stomach digest problem can happen. But id food is made in right rule and a combination of food is right then no problem will be there. When the milk is processed, then there is no toxic matter that can be eaten. So pineapple and milk can be eaten in right rule and combination.

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