Choose A Name For Your Personal Email Address

Hello Everyone, My name is Bittu Das. Do you know How To Choose A Name For Your Personal Email Address Easily? Anyone starting his/her journey online needs an email address.

The first time I got myself an email address was in 1994 with Yahoo mail. I entered a random name- “DasBittu”. I’m still using that same Mail ID on Twitter, Facebook, and many other online platforms.

When I began my online journey, I had little knowledge of the web and no knowledge whatsoever about branding and the benefits of having a good email address.

Most of the People have email addresses that have prefixes like “Amazing”, “Cute”, “Loving”, Blah Blah Blah!. I am not blaming such mail Id holders. But I must say Such names look good when you are youngsters, but as we start to become professionals, having these kinds of email addresses becomes a source of discomfort.

A Pro blogger can always a select a professional email address with something like, Contact@Domain.Com. but for a normal user who is using a service like GmailOutlook, or Yahoo mail, choosing a common email name is important.

Our Contact Mail ID: Contact@TechTalkies365.Com

If you are a School or college student or someone who is beginning their professional career, now is the right time to let go of the email address which no longer serves you, and creates a new one which will help you for the next many years.

How To Select A Name For Your Email Address:

Select A Name For Your Personal Email Address

If you are just beginning to get online now and are planning on getting an email address like, it will be tough, as most of these email addresses are already taken.

Choosing Mail Service: The first thing you need to do is select which email service you want to use. Our recommendation would be Gmail or Outlook. This is Only Because,

Gmail is great in terms of functionality, and Outlook is relatively unused. So you can more easily get your desired email address from here.

Also Read:

Choosing Your Name: Nothing could be better than using your name as your email address. For example:


If you have a common name then I am sure possibilities are high that this email address is already taken. If that’s the situation, you can play around with the name order and restrictions.

For example:

  1. BittuDas
  2. BDas

Most of The Popular email service providers will let you use a few specific characters like underscore (_), dashes (-), and periods (.) which can help you get your needed name.

For Example:

  1. Bittu-Das
  2. Bittu.Das
  3. B_Das

Make it Easy To Remember: Select a username which is not only easy to remember but easy to pronounce. Tough and hard pronunciations and spellings are to be avoided. As we are dispensing with a personal email address, being ready to easily speak it to people will be very helpful.

Things Not To Do While Selecting A Personal Email Address:

  1. My First Recomendation to you is Don’t use any suffix or prefix (like Love, cool, sweet, Awesome, innocent, hunk, etc.) while selecting your email address.

  2. Your email address is all about you, so don’t link your email address with the name of your bf/gf/children/pets etc.

  3. Try to avoid using your surname in your email address, If you’re from a culture where your surname (family name) changes after marriage. Instead, use something else which defines you as a professional title or occupation.

Whenever you are building a new email address,

Think of it as your online identity.

Think about how it will sound in 10-15 years.

Think about what it says about who you are as a person and a professional.

Top 5 Tips: How to avoid the SPAM Box (Folder) – Email Marketing

Hopefully, this quick guide will help you to choose the best email address for you. If you already have an email address which doesn’t look PRO, I must say it’s not too late to get a new one that does.


If you have any other quarries or tips, Don’t forget to share it by dropping your valuable comments below in the comments section. Don’t forget to share this article on Social Media.

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