Are you searching for How To Land on a React JS Job? then we must say you are at the right post. Today in this post you are going to learn methods to Land a React JS Job? React is the most popular and widely acclaimed library of JavaScript. It is the main source behind accelerating the mobile revolution in the whole world. It is considered a critical skill that developers must innovate if they really want to achieve more users on the mobile platform.

JavaScript hosts a large gallery of libraries that fuels at least 1.2 million websites and apps in the world. As per Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020, there are around 71.7% of JavaScript developers that are currently using React JS. Stack Overflow in fact states that React is something “most developers want to work with if they don’t already.”

How To Land on a React JS Job?

How To Land on a React JS Job?This data aforesaid gives us a clear picture as to why big tech giants are crazy about embracing React. It is actually the feature of ease of use and faster time-to-market that has essentially caught the attention of tech companies. In addition to this, react has other features as well that has grown its popularity to max levels such as efficient design, V-DOM, and developer tools. The list of top global companies that are currently leveraging React JS does not cease to impress as from Twitter, DropBox, Yahoo! Mail, Instagram, WhatsApp to Netflix, Salesforce, Atlassian, New York Times, etc. everyone has embraced it.

Do you also get fascinated by React JS and want to learn it for building successful projects for your company? Or if you are a beginner, learning React JS should be an ideal choice if you want to become a skilled React developer. Learning React by doing never seemed so easy and affordable until now. We are advocating this because KnowledgeHut has brought to you the latest React JS Training Certificate course on its immersive learning online platform in which not only will you be offered the learning experience but also be trained by the experts to apply the gained knowledge through this course in the creation of real-world projects.

To have detailed information about this course, let us dive into the main content of this article:

I. Overview Of the React Training Course

The React JS Training Certificate course is basically an online training program being offered online so that the interested participants on this course get to learn React JS by doing context, hooks, portals, and every aspect that concerns React.

The objective of the React Training Course is to make you competent enough to write code on your own and ably develop real-world projects by application of the hands-on experience learned from this course. Your training will be provided by expert trainers of this industry who have gained extensive years of experience in training students beyond the basics of React with complex concepts like testing, routing, server-side rendering, and state management. It will be an immersive learning course for you to try your hands on React by learning on Cloud Labs with frequent exercises and assessments.

As the demand for hiring skilled Data Science developers grows, more reliance is being placed on leveraging the power of React. This is the reason why this course gives you a hands-on immersive learning experience to learn about building projects as per real-world applications that you often get to create in a work-like environment. This will facilitate you in making a professional project portfolio to demonstrate your newly acquired skills to potential recruiters. The React JS training course will help you learn the concepts from the basics of React JS to advanced tasks of making robust and scalable web apps which is the ulterior motive of training you. If you choose to, Knowledgehut offers their course on an online learning platform in both the Blended Learning and Self-paced mode so that it remains suitable for the participants to attend the course at their convenience.

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II. Things You Get to Learn from the React JS Course

1. Get the opportunity to have an insight into the building blocks of a React app to build and compose reusable components.

2. Learn everything about JSX and syntax extension to JavaScript in order to write render logic in no time.

3. Know about the importance of state and how it helps in describing changes to UI using data and building declarative data-driven applications.

4. Learn the trick of implementing side effects like network requests to an API or back-end service in order to fetch or store data.

5. Learn how to implement server-side rendering techniques to develop Isomorphic apps.

6. Learn Redux principles and gain knowledge of how to adopt a TDD approach by using React Testing Library, Jest, Enzyme, etc.

7. Master building efficient forms using both the controlled and uncontrolled components of React and also become expert in Hooks API.

8. Learn about code sharing and reusability using High Order Components (HOC), Render Props, and more.

9. Learn advanced concepts like routing and how to implement it using React Router, code splitting, and Suspense API.

III. Final Remarks

The prerequisites to attending the React JS Training Course is to have a working knowledge of JavaScript (ES6+) and an intermediate understanding of HTML and CSS. The React JS training course helps the learners take on their learning journey from scratch to concept learning of React which means all the way up to developing robust web apps. The course is designed in a manner to be suitable for everyone be it a beginner, intermediate, or expert. Overall, the React JS training course is a single package for you to instill job-ready skills and start your career as a skilled React developer.


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