Hello Everyone, Most of the new bloggers have often asked me what is the main difference between low-quality backlinks and high-quality backlinks? So, If you are also searching for that same query then we must say you land in the right article. Because Today in this post I will tell you a complete guide on Low Quality and High-Quality BackLinks in 2018.

Learn All About Low Quality and High-Quality Backlinks

Low Quality Backlinks VS High Quality Backlinks
Low Quality Backlinks VS High Quality Backlinks

What Will You Learn From This Post?

  • What is PBN?
  • Complete Guide on Low-Quality Backlinks.
  • Complete Guide on High-Quality Backlinks.

So, Are you ready to learn Learn all about Low Quality and High-Quality BackLinks? Let’s get started.

Low-Quality Backlinks vs High-Quality Backlinks

So, I will start the complete discussion with bad quality backlinks and then go further to the good backlinks.

1. What are Low-Quality Backlinks?

Low-quality backlinks will always harm your site. First of all, we know that which backlinks must be avoided.

  • Sponsored Links
  • Links From Sites having spam score of 3+
  • Links from adult and gambling sites
  • Not niche related or Irrelevant Backlinks.
  • Sitewide Links

As there are many methods possible to get backlinks, so in this category, I am going to suggest which backlinks are now not recognized much when it comes to rankings.

  • Article Submission
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Blog Commenting
  • Profile Links
  • Forum Signature Links

What Are Backlinks? How To Get Quality Backlinks Fast 2018?

I must say due to huge abuse of these creating backlinks methods since previous few years, Google has decided to reduce their value in Ranking sites on the search engine.

In a simple sentence, I am trying to say that all the above techniques for creating backlinks to your site, do not actually harm your blog, and that is right. But on the other hand, those backlinks also don’t play a role in increasing the rankings of your site.

That is why I have decided to mention them as low-quality backlinks. So, I recommend you not to waste your time in creating such links back to your site.

2. High-Quality Backlinks

If you have properly understood all about Low-quality backlinks methods and get some idea, now let’s move to the High-Quality backlinks. Although there are many ways to get quality backlinks, I personally suggest you which are common and actually work. Check it out below.

An Ultimate Guide to Build High Authority Backlinks in 2018 to Rank Higher on Google

No doubt the above mention backlinks are the best ways of building backlinks but the content quality matters a lot, which you are posting along, as this will decrease the value of your backlinks.

So avoid posting low quality spun or re-write content, Try to write some SEO friendly quality content.

One more thing, along with the quality, length of the content also matters.

Tips for Getting Quality Backlinks

IMost of the new bloggers often does wrong whenever do the Guest Post or Web 2.0 submission. Before publishing an article on those platforms, make sure your content is 100% unique, readable and minimum 600 words.

3. Is PBNs Safe or Not, Is This a Quality method of getting backlinks?

There is also a common question asked by the many newcomers in bloggers world, and that is what actually PBNs are and is PBNs are safe or not?, Is this a quality method of getting backlinks? etc…

How to Index Backlinks Fast on Google Manually?

While I will give you a simple and short answer that will clear some doubt all your quarries.

Actually, PBN backlinks could be of both low quality and vice versa. That is why I have put PBNs in a different category.

What is a PBN?

This is a term used for both public and private blog networks. Most commonly this term is used for private blog networks.

There are basically 2 types of PBNs.

  1. Expired or non-expired Web 2.0 PBN
  2. Expired or non-expired real domains PBN

What makes a PBN Bad or Good?

Following things make a PBN bad.

  • Same Theme on all the sites
  • Same name or details
  • Low Quality, spun content
  • Too many Outbound Links
  • Having same Hosting Provider
  • Having the same IP addresses
  • If registered on the same Email ID
  • No Real pages (Contact us, About us etc…)

If you can bypass these mistakes and make your PBN safe and look like a real site then you can surely use this technique to get high-quality backlinks.

But if you do not notice the above-written steps most common mistakes then be ready to hit a Google Penalty.

Wrapping it Up!

I hope now you have understood all about Low Quality and High-Quality BackLinks, What makes a PBN Bad or Good?, Is PBNs Safe or Not, Is This a Quality method of getting backlinks? As Google is now directing most on quality than quality so try to build more quality backlinks to achieve higher rankings quickly.

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