This process of the solution will work if your phone shows IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown. Let’s repair our phone without paying money. Only for Android Smartphone users.

Solution for IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown Problem

Solution for IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown Problem

Let follow the steps below:

Step 1: At first download file from the following link.

Step 2: Now extract it, you will see an IMEI folder.

Step 3: Now open your phone’s battery, you will see the IMEI number on a sticker.

Solution for IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown Problem of Android Smartphone

Step 4: Now press the shift key from your computer keyboard and right-click on IMEI folder, you will see “Open command window here” option or “CMD here as admin” option, just click on “Open command window here” option or “CMD here as admin” option.

How To Find My Stolen Phone Using IMEI Number?

Solution for IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown Problem of Android Smartphone

Step 5: Now type your IMEI number as below:

imei.exe <space> <first IMEI number> <space> <second IMEI number>

Example: imei.exe 12345678910111 11101987654321

Now press the enter key, it will show you “New IMEI in file=MPOB_001_NEW” message.

Step 6: Now open the IMEI folder, you will see “MPOB_001_NEW” file. Now rename the “MPOB_001_NEW” file to “MPOB_001”.

Step 7: Now copy the “MPOB_001” file to SD card of your phone. Now download “ROM toolbox lite” app from google play. You can also read, how to download google play app directly from the computer?

Step 8: Now open Root directory of your phone (data/nvram/MD/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI).

Step 9: Now you will see “MPOB_001” file in “NVD_IMEI”. Delete “MPOB_001” file from “NVD_IMEI” directory.

Step 10: Now copy the “MPOB_001” file which you have recently copied on SD card of your phone and paste it into “NVD_IMEI” folder of your phone.

Step 11: Now change the file permission by pressing a long time on this file and allow all the permissions.

Step 12: Now restart your phone and go to “Setting>About phone>Status” you will see the IMEI number and baseband version of your phone.

Solution for IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown Problem of Android Smartphone

Alternatively, you can dial *#06# from your phone to see the IMEI number or dial *#1234# to see the version. Enjoy!

Thank you for reading…

Solution for IMEI Null & Baseband Number Unknown Problem of Android

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