Are You Searching For Best Video Games that Feature Gambling Mini-Games. Here We Are Sharing Popular Video Games that Feature Gambling Mini-Games. Mini-games have long been an integral part of Best Free video games. With the inclusion of mini-games, video gaming has become even more entertaining to the extent that skilled and lucky players are rewarded. They are a well-established part of the games now and we can find them in every genre of games, from RPGs to retro shooters, etc. Sometimes they’re just a  simple way to unlock a door, but they can also be more complex and very challenging that you can only complete them with the use of logic and knowledge. One thing is for sure, after all, frustration and difficulties you may encounter completing them, they are very rewarding.

Whether it’s casino-based video games that involve playing many different types of card games or simple checkers to earn gold and loot or mini-games where you gamble to earn more points and raise your level, there is consensus in the gaming community that those mini-games are the secret ingredient that gives extra charm to the game as a whole.

The fact is that many video games feature gambling mini-games that satisfy the need for winning and make it more enjoyable.  Playing those simulated mini-games provides a big adrenaline rush in itself but if you are interested in the real deal and want to play casino games you should check 888casino where you can find the biggest variety of games for you to choose from and helpful information.

Popular Video Games that Feature Gambling Mini-Games

Many famous video games feature card games and mini-challenges that complement the main action. We have selected some of the best examples of mini-casino games in video games so let’s take a look at those that implement these ideas with compelling results :

Fallout: New Vegas 

Fallout New Vegas Gmbling Mini GamesFallout: New Vegas tops our list of the best video games that feature gambling.

Everyone knows modern-day Las Vegas is the center of the gambling industry, but in this game, you are settled in post-apocalyptic New Vegas. Despite all the struggles trying to survive in the harsh, toxic, wasteland environment folks living in New Vegas still enjoy gambling in their spare time. Alongside the great storyline this game offers, one of the best in the whole Fallout series, the most exciting addition to gameplay are many mini casino games that make this game different from others. All venues are located in The Vegas Strip, where you can find casinos named Tops, Ultra-Luxe, and Gomorrah.

While playing you will be able to exchange Caps, Legion Coins, and NCR Dollars for casino chips so you can play games that include Roulette, Blackjack, and some slot machines.  Located in Primm, there is a Vikki in the Vence Casino and in the Freeside you can find Atomic Wrangler. If your “Luck meter” is full you have a higher chance to win a bet. Funny thing is that all the casinos in this game try hard to steal your money so luck is crucial to win and profit in this greedy, wasteland environment.

Final Fantasy Franchise

Final Fantasy Franchise Gmbling Mini-GamesThese fantasy role-playing games are our pick as a whole because we couldn’t pick a single game from the many games that the legendary Final Fantasy series has to offer. This franchise is regarded as one of the greatest game series ever developed and with its huge fan base, every new game tops the charts again and again. According to fans, one of the things that make these games so likable is the mini-games that include racing, card, and slot games. There is actually a Gambler class in this masterpiece of a series.

Final Fantasy VI shows us an Airship named Blackjack, that hosts blackjack and roulette tables. The most remembered part of Final Fantasy VII is the fantasy amusement park – Gold Saucer – that offers you a variety of mini-games to play, including the gambling ones. Developers made sure to invent new games like no other, so you will not find the traditional card and table games in this fantasy amusement park. However, the most notable mini-game is Triple Triad, featured in Final Fantasy VIII. In this game, two players play against each other, one as a blue player, the other one as red. It is played on a 3×3 grid, each player has 5 cards and the aim is to capture opponents’ cards and turn them in your color, blue or red.

You can put money and items on the line, play the games and if you are lucky maybe win a prize.

Grand Theft Auto Franchise

Grand Theft Auto Franchise Gmbling Mini-GamesThe ability to wager a bet is first introduced in GTA Vice City. You must pay a fee to enter a Vice City Racer event. You are betting on yourself and depending on your position in a race you can either win, break even, or lose the wager. The same type of racing for money event is reintroduced in GTA V while playing as Franklin.

In GTA: San Andreas you can increase your gambling skill by spending money at casinos. The feature that allows you to go into debt and borrow money from the casino just shows how advanced this game is for its time. Among the games, these game offers are blackjack, roulette, video poker, slot machines, and Wheel of Fortune but you can also place a wager on horse racing and pool game vs random player at a bar.

Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned present two new gambling minigames- one is Arm Wrestling and the other is a card game named Hi-Lo that you play against your mates at a motorcycle club.

In a GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony you can place bets on cage fights but only while spectating.

Red Dead Redemption I & II

Red Dead Redemption I & II Gmbling Mini-GamesThe title Red Dead Redemption includes gambling minigames woven into the open world you are exploring. Visit one of the many salons and bars across the game and you can play all sorts of mini-games and card games such as poker and blackjack. Sometimes your task is to play games like blackjack and advance to the next level by winning mini-casino games. Red Dead Redemption also includes a gamble called Liar’s Dice. Of the six gambling mini-games in the RDR that are great fun, Liar Dice is by far our favorite. To name them all, while playing as Marston you can bet on Arm wrestling, horseshoes, and five-finger fillet. Players can either win or lose big amounts of money, depending on patience and luck, just like in real life.

Witcher 3

Witcher 3 Gmbling Mini-GamesOne of The Witcher 3’s most popular parts is this amazing fantasy card game called Gwent. The game’s intriguing gameplay and complex plot make it an addictive video game but Gwent is a mini-game that the majority of the gaming community considers to be the best in-game minigame ever created. Gwent is a dueling card game similar to Hearthstone, it is fast-paced and your cards represent your armies.  There are four different fractions that offer unique combat styles and so many different paths and strategies to victory.  The winner is the player with two victories out of three rounds. To win you have to think quickly, take risks, and deliver well-timed combos.

The Metaverse Trend In Video Gaming  

One of the latest trends in video gaming is metaverse gaming, such as what Krikey and other gaming platforms offer. Metaverse makes online gaming a lot more exciting than before. Most metaverse video games have a decentralized model. Game developers and publishers are the in-game asset owners, and they have the right to distribute video game assets.

With metaverse, you can create augmented reality (AR) videos that you can share with family and friends, growing your audience. You can create avatars and customize them to represent you as a gamer. You can explore the virtual space whenever and however you want to do it.

The future of metaverse online gaming is bright. Soon, game developers will be incentivizing game contributors through cryptocurrency or tokens. Crypto rewards and non-fungible (NFT) art and tokens can make video gaming more exciting and profitable.


Are you excited to try the popular video games featuring gambling mini-games as discussed above? You might want to try them during your free time and enjoy playing the best gambling video games. In addition, you can try metaverse gaming apps to find out the latest feature and benefits of metaverse video games that are popular nowadays.

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