It’s very important not only to attract new customers but also to keep the ones that have already bought from you. In this mission, one of your allies will be email marketing. Of course, depending on the segmentation you make, it will be more or less effective.

Segmenting is nothing more than classifying your users and subgroups until you find the ones that fit your target the most. You can segment, for example, by gender. Or refine a little more by grouping men between 25 and 30 years old who like sports.

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Segmentation

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Segmentation

In recent years, email has become a powerful tool to knock on the door of your customers. To do this, the main thing you need is a complete database of your clients.

Having a large database is vital for success. The more information you have about your users, the easier it will be for you to adjust your campaigns with an appropriate email marketing segmentation strategy. But remember to always respect the law (avoid invading their privacy).

In addition, every email must display a link that allows the user to have access to edit, modify or delete their email from your database.

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Based on these key points, the secret of success lies in proper segmentation. It is useless to have many records if they are not correctly related to your content. Hence the importance of properly segmenting your list of records. How? We give you some advice:

  1. Demographic characteristics:

One of the main and easiest ways to segment is to divide based on the demographic characteristics of the subscribers that are a part of your database.

Among the main demographic characteristics are age, sex, place of residence, income, or marital status. Knowing this data can be very useful since it allows you to carry out more personalized promotional campaigns.

If you have an online store, it will not be so difficult for you to collect this type of data. Requesting the details at the time your client completes the purchase process will suffice. Of course, always before the end of the order. If not, you run the risk of not completing it.

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Another way to persuade your customers to provide you with this data is to offer them something in return. If the user gets a benefit for sharing their personal information, it will probably be easier to achieve the results. An example of this may be offering customers a discount on their next purchase.

You can also use Leadar which has a large database of over 110 million US citizens. In addition, it has over 150 million verified email addresses.

  1. Interests of your clients:

Another interesting way of segmenting email marketing campaigns is based on the interests or preferences of your subscribers. These types of campaigns are based on the personalization of the message. Is there a better way to achieve it than taking into account what your client prefers? To accomplish this, your database must have different segments and categories that show your customers’ tastes and hobbies.

For this, it will also be necessary that you include the fields corresponding to these subjects in the subscription form. In addition, to collect more data, it would be useful if you included a free field so that users could write what interests them.

Another important issue to keep in mind is to ask users how often they want to receive your communications. Some will want to receive them daily, others once a week, and some may prefer monthly emails.

If, for example, two clients are interested in receiving your latest news, but one wants to receive it daily and the other once a week, you cannot send the same message to both. You would have to create two differentiated segments, one called ‘News Daily’ and another ‘News Weekly’, for example.

  1. Geolocation:

Oftentimes you are only interested in sending a message to people who live in a certain area or country. In those cases, your segmentation strategy should be based on geolocation. To obtain this information, it would be advisable to know the following three pieces of information:

– Country.

– City.

– Postal Code.

Knowing these details opens up a very wide range of possibilities. With them, you can detail your email campaign in three very specific ways, which will respond to your needs at all times.

Imagine that you have an eCommerce store that sells sports products. You decide to run a free shipping promotion, for example. But only for those who reside in LA, not in Washington. If the province of residence of your clients is included in your database, it will be easier for you to segment and send your campaign only to those who can enjoy it.

  1. Segmentation based on the click:

Another type of segmentation of your email marketing is based on the results obtained in previous campaigns. When you analyze the impact of your newsletters, you will discover which users open your emails. Or those who click on the links. If the users are interested in what you offer,  you will be able to personalize future mailings. Those clicks allow you to get to know them better.

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How to achieve it? With a deep analysis of the links that have been clicked on in the newsletter. It is a simple job if you use an emailing platform to send your letters. On the other hand, you will also find users who open your emails but do not click on any links or buttons. This activity also gives you a very important fact to work on.

In these cases, you will have to rethink the content of your messages and the strategy to follow for this type of client. Change the design of the newsletter, the way of presenting the information, improve the calls to action, change the type of content, personalize the offer, etc.

  1. According to the reputation of your users:

User reputation refers to how they interact with the messages you send them. If they open your emails and click on your content, they will have a good reputation. If they have stopped interacting with your emails, their reputation will be low.

This way of segmenting users can help you find out who your most loyal customers are and reward them with personalized mailings that contain some unique benefits for their loyalty.

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