Wired vs Wireless Headphones: Wireless headphones seem to be more and more integrated into society. Apple began the process by eliminating the standard audio port from all of their phones a few years back, and Samsung followed suit this past year by removing it from their newest phone.

With that being said, wired headphones still have their positive attributes and can sometimes be better than wireless. If you’re in the market for a new pair of headphones, then it can be tough to choose. There are so many different options and so many different styles, from wired headphones to wireless iPhone earbuds, so adding the question of wired vs wireless can make the entire process more difficult.

Wired vs. Wireless Headphones: Which is Right for You?

Wired vs. Wireless Headphones

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Differences Between Wired and Wireless Headphones [Guide]

We decided to help you out and explain some of the key differences between wired and wireless headphones to help you decide which one would be best for you.

Audio Quality 

Generally, wired headphones have better sound quality than wireless. If you are planning on spending a lot of money on a pair of headsets than whatever you choose should have really good quality audio.

On average, if you are trying to go for high-quality music at a decent price, then wired is the way to go. With no batteries or Bluetooth connection required, they allow for more technology to be added to the headsets for quality.

Keep in mind that with wireless headphones connected through Bluetooth, the proximity to your phone is a big factor in quality. The farther the headphones are away from your device, the worse the audio quality. If you are just looking for something to plug into your ears and be on your way listening to your favorite songs and have decent audio quality, then wireless might be the way to go from a convenience standpoint.


Sometimes, people will give up quality for convenience. We have all been in situations where we are walking around a busy area with our headphones connected to our phones or mp3 players, only to have the cord catch something and unplug itself. We also know the feeling of taking the headphones out of your pocket only to spend 10 minutes trying to untangle them. It’s the worst.

With wireless, those issues never happen. They do have their own disadvantages though. Because there is no cord, it means they run on a battery. Long car or bus rides become a gamble if you don’t have the ability to charge them. They also run the risk of being lost or damaged. Nobody wants to be getting ready for class or work and spend time trying to find the second headphone somewhere in your room because you didn’t put them away properly.

There’s a fine balance when choosing the right one for you, but make sure you are aware that they both have their downsides when it comes to convenience.

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Most people listen to music or podcasts on their phones. Since the iPhone transition to removing the headphone port, obviously, Bluetooth wireless headphones would be the best option.

Yes, Apple and Android have a conversion cord you can purchase to plus an audio jack into the phone, but who wants to spend extra money on that? They also don’t allow you to charge your phone and have the audio jack connected at the same time.

Nearly every phone and laptop has Bluetooth connectivity and nearly every wireless headset is connected through Bluetooth. When it comes to compatibility, wireless is definitely the way to go.


Price is always a big factor when it comes to any purchase. We all work hard for our money, so when we spend it, we want to get the best value for it. When it comes to headphones, you are typically going to pay more for wireless.

With that being said, as technology advances the price should go down. As stated earlier, the audio quality tends to be better with wired headphones. If you are willing to spend the extra money for the convenience of wireless and have similar audio quality as wired headphones, then that would be the best route.

Wired or wireless headphones can cost anywhere from $40-$500. When making a purchase, you have to involve more than price into your decision.

Final Thoughts on Wired vs Wireless Headphones

Regardless of which one you choose, there are tons of options to consider. Before you purchase anything, think about exactly what you need them for.

If you just want a pair to sit at your desk and listen without going anywhere, maybe wired is for you. If you are always on the go then wireless should definitely be strongly considered. It’s all about weighing your options when it comes to headphone purchasing so make sure you consider all possibilities when making your purchase.

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