Hello Everyone, Today I am going to share Every New YouTuber’s Common Questions on YouTube Earning 2018. All of us know that YouTube is the largest, most famous and popular video sharing site. So, you easily understand it that how popular YouTube is and also understand it that how you would get large amount visitors from YouTube. Now Every New YouTuber’s started thinking after uploading some videos and they failed to earn money. So, this article is for those New YouTubers who had a lot of question on YouTube Earning. Read this full article Here I have given all your answers shortly. Hope This will help you to solve your quarries about YouTube Earning.
Every New YouTuber’s Common Questions on YouTube Earning 2018

I Am Uploading Videos, But The Money Will Not Come.
To earn money, you have to ‘monetize’ the video. Just click on the “Video Manager”, and then a list will come on the left side click on the ‘Channel’ and then you will get “Monetization”. From now, you have to active your Account. (It is not possible to write the process for the activation, try yourself and follow the steps.)
Can I Upload Any Type of Videos?
You can upload all minds of videos but you cannot earn money from all kinds of videos. To take videos and audios from any movies or TV, and if anybody’s videos are being inside your own videos or audios, then the monetization will not be done, YouTube may block your channel. In future, you cannot create any AdSense account by using your own name.
A Singer Sings at Your Locality, and I Make a Video of it, Can I Upload This Video?
In this case, this video is yours, but as the voice of this audio is someone, so, you cannot earn money from it. Point to be noted, suppose you sing a song of others, YouTube does not accept it.
How Much Money Can I earn From YouTube?
I don’t know the correct answer. The main source of income from YouTube is View. You can earn more money from those videos which have so many viewers. But, apparently, per 10000 views, YouTube will pay $1 to $5.
What is “Monetize View”?
Suppose, an advertisement will come at the time of 1 minute. Suppose, the viewers of your videos is 5000 but 3000 viewers have watched the videos less than 1 minute. So, in spite of being 5000 viewers, your monetize view is 2000. The owner of the channel will only watch the monetize view by clicking on the “Analytics”.
From When The Earning will Possible?
The time of approval your AdSense is 2-3 days. After the approval, the income will be started.

When Will I Get Money?
You would not get money until the income will $100. After $100, a letter will to your home address, in there will be a code, by giving this code you have to give the details of your bank account i.e. bank name, Account holder name, Swift Code etc. There is a similarity of your address and name in between the Gmail account and your bank account. So, you use those address and the bank account name which you provided at the time of opening the account.
In Between, How Many Days the Money Will Come?
YouTube is an only medium in where the people share their videos. The primary objective of yours is not earning money. So, if you open the channel for earning the money, then definitely you will be disappointed. You have to be patient for earning money from YouTube. It may have happened that for earning the money, it may take more than 1 year. But, if the viewers of your videos are increased 10000+, then believe me you don’t need to do the job.
Can Everybody Earn Money?
Any 18 years old boy can earn money by giving unique videos. But, the popularity of your videos depending on your luck and ability. There are so many users who give their pet’s videos and earn so many money and there are also so many users who do not earn money by investing money. So, if you conduct your YouTube account, then earning money is not impossible for you.
My Last Words:
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